Some of the oldest human skeletons have been found with head wounds and spear points lodged in them. The last 80+ years has seen a stable tension exist between the Soviet Union and NATO. Now, with that tension altered, we are simply seeing human history roll forward again. It has always been violent and unpleasant, we have just forgotten that fact.

And now, the species that has perfected warfare sciences to full planetary extinction, looks shocked at what is occurring, because it has a short memory.

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Fullscale Nuclear War would yield 800 million to 2 billion dead, per Whitepapers done on the subject to estimate these sorts of things. 6+ billion people would remain.

So the worst part is not the extinction of Man, but rather the post-human condition he will inhabit in the Nuclear Bonfire infested Hellscape after said sub-human monstrosity that he has become realizes that the world has not ended & he has simply become more Vile.

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Become more vile?


Simply revealed what he is, the entire time.

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A much better way of putting it, Yes... Precisely!

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Despite the smaller scale there is still the issue of machine tools, inputs like chemicals and various metals. None of these just appear some financial source brings these things together. As an example the Palestinians need to draw on external resources so someone has organised an external supply chain. These supply chains like the money trail are to be identified, and for the opposing side dealt with. The US and various NGOs have had a hand, that was evident, as to "deep state" activity it's in ASEAN's interest to identify and neutralise it before it metastasis where ever NGOs can fan conflict.

One other observation, what's good for the goose... the US establishment has erected an enormous surveillance state to head of this kind of thing within their own crumbling foundations, however I see this as byzantine; completely missing the point. It's better to create an environment for win win than preside over a garbage dump.

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Correct. Agreed on the inputs on chemicals & various metals, which (at least for now) cannot be replaced since 'Economies of Scale' by large entities are still relevant.

One thing that needs to be remembered however is that lots of stuff is simply 'lying around' in junkyards & should one have the requisite Salvage Skills, he can teach others how to Salvage as well. After that, you have bands of Small Men going through the Scrap:

This could feasibly be how part of the issue is resolved, albeit I am still of the view that Industrial Warfare will still exist, though it will take the Hybrid approach of relying upon both the *Big* & the *Small* in the Near Future.

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Yes, but you'd be surprised at what price and how much of this industrial stuff is laying around from the 70's. That's not even including the stuff you can build yourself. Look, I'd have to hunt it down but I have a whole hard copy (paper bound) series on how to build a machine shop from scratch if I get my hands on the coal, casting sand, and metals.

This stuff is out there. It can be done. You just have to want it.

That's just one example. There's many others, and so many ways you can get creative with destruction on the cheap. If you have any kind of fab shop, you can go nuts with even just marginal skill if you have a huge imagination. It's scary - I don't want to see that world, no one should.

You give the people a reason to want it, and they'll start doing it.

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Most things can be salvaged & put together if (1) You have a small team for it & (2) They know some rudimentary stuff. Heck, there are amateur Youtubers who already Smelt & make high quality Antique Swords & Stuff! 😂

The thing is, the jump from Salvaging Junk & turning it into Swords... & then moving onto rudimentary Firearms, Drones & RPG launchers... that's not as big a leap as many people seem to think; you only need to upgrade some of the transferable skills that you already possess in these areas.

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Exactly. I don't have the skills myself - but I have some of the knowledge and some of the tools. A welder generator and oxy torch. So I'd have to get the machining stuff, but people don't understand the mayhem that can be caused just with those two, very common and mobile items, alone.

If you have those you can fab some of the other stuff easily. Chambers for your own coal production if you have access to wood. Household goodies of all sorts for unwanted guests...

I haven't gotten into it as far as high skills - electrician by trade and got it for the farm as a tax write off. But it's there.

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Precisely, & it will only get more chaotic soon:

Men who work with their hands are in *very short supply* in much of the West, & as this shortage exacerbates, you'll have situations where the only 'men of substance' are either on the Warlord's team OR on an enemy Warlord's team... that's basically how sought after such men will be, in a world where everyone has simply forgotten how to build stuff.

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I've been listening to your podcasts with Kenan. No offense to the good sir, but I think his perspective from being on the coast is very different from fly over country. We have a lot more.... cohesion? Than the coasts do. Not enough to save the US, by any means. But enough that it won't all fall to pieces the way he talks about.

Small towns know the police and fire chief. They usually have people that collect the kind of equipment we're talking about, and know how to use them. Same with wood working equipment, farm equipment, etc. The water and electric are coops in my area, and I know some of the workers by name. I've been to board meetings. The police response times might be long, but that's why we have ham systems set up.

In other words - the rural areas see it coming. The smart ones are doing what they can, as they can. We're not going warlord route, but save trying to keep the lights on. If the warlord stuff happens, we'll see how we adapt. I know I'm more mentally prepared for that route than most, but I'm a DOOMer at heart.

Most people deny that the DOOM cometh.

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Sir Kenaz would probably agree with you that 'America will not completely fall apart.' At least, I think he would. You are welcome to come onto the show & discuss with both of us how you think things will unfold!

My personal view: You're gonna see the coastal areas taken over by foreign armies & the inner Heartland (especially defensible areas like the Rockies) do pretty well; so it will be similar to the Qing Dynasty & how large parts of Mainland China were not under foreign occupation, but rather they remained independent whilst under heavy pressures (food, materials, etc).

I have no doubt that the 'Warlord Era' of America & the 'Century of Humiliation' that is coming will mean Top-Quality Men becoming leaders & being forged by the Fire of Battle; so it's not all DOOM-y.

Ultimately, America is a country with the resources of a Continent, so it can never truly be 'fully conquered' for the same reasons China & Russia cannot ever be 'full conquered,' such a thing is logistically impossible.

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Yes, but can they put a dent in the Russian war machine? That's the golden standard these days. xD

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Indeed! 😂

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I would love to see more on this topic

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Is this where we are headed? To a world of tribal violence? In such a world modern technology, large-scale commerce and social adhesion can not exist as civilisation is shredded by small, violent forces.

I have decided to leave earth at the earliest opportunity.

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One possibility is a world where small bands of Warlord Men & their groups of 200-300 Boyz operate, with cells of 3-7 men doing most of the heavy lifting. This would be tha 'Anarchic outcome' where it's a battle of All against All.

Another possibility is that these groups of 200-300 & their Warlords & Leaders basically Submit themselves to larger order structures such as Religion, Ideology, etc. This would be the 'Civilization State outcome' where things are less Violent.

In general though, I see the end of Globalization and World Connectivity in both cases & stronger Bifurcation occuring in all fields.

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I think you'll find family and social adhesion become far stronger in such a world. The people who didn't loose their whole family to a massacre would probably be happier than the average Westerner today, as tribal peoples tend to be.

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