For the West it ultimately comes down to two problems. The young are not breeding like rabbits and the old are not dying like flies, so you have the boomer generation sliding along like a pig through the demographic python.

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The young are not breeding like rabbits in many places other than Africa. And even there, the TFR is dropping.

Europe has stabilized a bit, but the birthrates are still way too low. It's East Asia that's struggling the most now.

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Cultural suicide is the product of liberalism and self loathing.

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‘Demography is Destiny!’ is not a mere slogan but a brute reality.

In this essay, Yours Truly discusses what brute reality means for the European Peninsula in the coming decades and centuries.

Thanks again to Sir Constantin and the lovely Arktos team for publishing this essay. If you haven’t already done so, please subscribe to them. 😉

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Jan 29
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Those are not the causes of 'inevitable decline,' they are symptoms of the problem: Namely the mismanagement & improper usage of resources.

I do not believe 'Robots will be saving the day'... some people do, I simply point out that they are wrong (read the Footnotes to understand why).

I also do not believe that there will be a 'domination by Arabs & Africans,' but rather that said groups will simply 'win out' given the raw numbers & whatnot.

There will be a Thousand Year Dark Age... but it will have more to do with the exhaustion of high quality materials, energy, etc, than it does 'lack of IQ' & other made up silliness that people in the so-called 'first world' cope with & believe in.

You're simply wrong re: food & medicine, as many of the so-called 'third world' nations actually are net exporters of these things. Western nations who are deindustrializing rapidly... are meanwhile losing the ability to even produce these things.

Anyhow: Actually read the essay properly (with footnotes) rather than making nonsensical claims about what I did not say. Also, refrain from making accusations about what I am trying to communicate... I have zero patience for such silliness.

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Dec 28
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Spam will not be tolerated.

Leave all such garbage far away from the entrance of the premises 😉 😘

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