Prolegomena: Please head over to Arktos Journal to read this essay in full, where it was first published. For those Dear Listeners & Readers who choose to continue (or come back! 😉) over here, feel free to listen to the Full Voiceover for this piece above.
Thank You Again to All My Lovely, Dear Readers & Listeners! 😊
Ahnaf Ibn Qais argues that the European Peninsula is rapidly bifurcating into novel Cultural & Civilizational poles, with the nascent Eurafrica & Eurabia pair taking shape in Western & Southern Europe, thanks to the Brute forces of Demographic Transition & Mass Migration.
The Demographic Transition, Simplified
Eurafrica & Eurabia, The New Europe, 23rd Century CE: Europe in the 23rd century, a continent unrecognizable from its past, shaped by centuries of migration from Africa & the Middle East. The once-homogeneous European cities have evolved into vast, multicultural urban sprawls where African, Middle Eastern & European cultures coexist in every corner. The landscape is a striking mix of new & old: skyscrapers with Arabic script standing next to European-style squares, while the city's languages are a mosaic of dialects. The population is predominantly non-European, & native Europeans have become a minority. This new reality feels inescapable, with cultural traditions & politics blended & redefined. The world of old Europe has faded, replaced by a new society where the lines between identity, culture, & history have blurred forever.
‘Demography is Destiny.’
It's an all too familiar slogan… albeit frequently misunderstood.
Most of the time, readers consider it prescriptive, a coarse way in which ‘the Invader’ speaks gleefully about how soon everything will be his, at the expense of those left bereft of their homelands, heritages & cultures. Yet that is not what this is:
The slogan is descriptive, & it applies universally to all peoples (not just Westerners). It makes the natural observation that the make-up of a population & its structure (i.e., age groups, gender ratios, etc.) ultimately determine its future & ultimate fate.
For many, this is just common sense.1
A society with more working-age men (i.e. preferably ages 20 through 40) will function very differently from one with fewer such men. Similarly, societies with a higher Male-to-Female ratio will behave quite differently than societies with lower ratios.
Ipso facto, one should pay special attention to Population Growth since Stagnation & even minor declines will mean the rapid, unfavourable shifting of said ratios.2
Modern-day Europe, given these preliminary considerations, has jumped headlong into the abyss of the Demographic Transition, which has eviscerated all such Growth:
England & Wales are a microcosm of what the general trend has been for decades:
Initially, Crude Deaths fall rapidly due to the Positive-Sum bounties of Industrialization (i.e., Improvements in Infrastructure, Medicine, Statecraft, etc.). A slight bump in Crude Births generally follows but persists only temporarily:
This is courtesy of said Positive-Sum bounties giving rise to sundry negatives (i.e., mass urbanization & overcrowding, greater propensity of Geo-Economic strife among Industrial nations, etc.), leading to an Asynchronous petering out of Crude Births.3
Once a Zero-Sum environment prevails (as it did for much of the post-WWII climate till about the early 21st century), Rapid Population Growth becomes a thing of the past. Afterward, a Negative-Sum Environment begins to take shape:4
Namely, one in which the boons of Industrial society are overwhelmed by its disorders (i.e., increased pollution, ecological overshoot & other illths). We see this throughout Western nations today, especially in the more populous European states.
Across most of the Peninsula, Crude Births have fallen rapidly, with only a handful of nations now registering anemic Natural Increases. The rest have already gone into negative territory, with Crude Deaths overwhelming Crude Births outright:
The shortfall is presently around ~2 million people across the Peninsula, & rapidly growing. In the coming years, it will exceed that number & climb well over 3+ million as European Demography is rapidly hollowed out by excess deaths & fewer births.5
Ipso Facto, European societies (big & small) are seeing their Population Pyramids becoming Top-Heavy, with Seniors & the elderly rapidly filling up the top, courtesy of deaths overwhelming births. This means a couple of things simultaneously:
Firstly, many more Taxes, fees, & other related expenses need to be directly &/or indirectly levied on the shrinking working-age population to pay for an increasingly Aging Population who the welfare state has promised to take care of in these nations.
Second, the working-age population needs to be ‘adjusted’ to better cope with this rapid widening of the senior & elderly population (in ratio & percentage terms). Historically, this has meant opening the doors for Migration from the Global South.
While some governments (like Hungary, Poland & others) have used billions of Euros to try & increase Fertility rates among their White native populations, such measures have been fundamentally unsuccessful when one looks at the grand scheme of things.6
In the meantime, Europe’s most populous nations will continue to hollow out faster…
A Rapidly Aging & Moribund Peninsula
A Rapidly Aging Europe, The End of Faustian Man, 22nd Century: A desolate European city in the 22nd century, where the once-thriving streets are now eerily empty, reflecting the slow death of Western civilization. The population is elderly, with more gray-haired individuals sitting in parks & empty squares than young people. The grand architectural wonders of the past, symbols of Europe’s Faustian spirit, are now crumbling, overshadowed by the encroaching decay of a culture that no longer has the energy or ambition to rebuild. The city feels stagnant, frozen in time, as old traditions & philosophies are forgotten. The sunlight is dim & tired, casting long shadows across empty streets. The last embers of a once-great civilization flicker out as Europe faces its final chapter of decline, the concept of Faustian ambition now a distant memory.
‘The Future belongs to those who show up for it.’
Per this simple metric, Europe has no future to speak of.
Actions have Consequences & Ultimately, Human Choices matter:
At the micro, if a young man spends several years eating junk food, not staying physically fit & ignoring his network… he will wither into irrelevancy. At the macro, this level of neglect & self-abuse also translates into concrete outcomes:
Across the Peninsula, Europe’s sundry peoples have chosen to forego family & clan formation in favour of other nonsensical pursuits such as ‘career,’ ‘liberty,’ etc. This has been the trend for well over half a century, & is still the norm overall.7
This means that, strictly by Inertia, the Demographic fate of Europe is already sealed. Yes, some minority groups (especially deeply religious Christian communities) may thrive here & there, but the overall trends are too big in comparison.8
‘Peak Childbirths’ for the continent was passed sometime in the late 1950s, & since then, births have fallen off a cliff. The ‘Demographic Dividend’ in the form of Working Age Young Men, peaking soon after said high was passed sometime in the 1990s.9
Europe today is thus comprised primarily of the Elderly & Senior Citizens:
Median Ages for most major European nations (sans the UK) have already passed 40.
This means a vast flurry of sundry adverse maladies, which individually merge to form a Brutal predicament, namely that of Demographic Winter:
With the onset of labour shortages (chiefly due to fewer men ages 20 to 40), tax revenues decrease substantially over time, leading to social welfare systems becoming unsustainable across the Peninsula. These Primary Impacts then go deeper10:
Secondary Impacts appear in a few decades as whole cities, towns & villages Depopulate bit by bit, courtesy of Decrepit Infrastructure & the hollowing out of Industry. Production, Manufacturing, Agriculture & related activity wanes…
…& is replaced over time by ‘Service Sector’ nonsense jobs & related busywork.11
After years & decades of said Socioeconomic decay, we finally get to Tertiary Impacts:
During this phase, cultural malaise & national decline cement themselves into broader society as young people work, raise families, build clans, & live in decrepit, depopulated polities nationwide. These things soon become ‘baked in.’
This is because, by this stage, the previous ailments (such as Depopulated settlements & labour shortages) have percolated the society enough to tell everyone, ‘It’s Over.’12
It is no accident, therefore, that there are no Men left for the military & armed forces:
Suppose one is raised in a society where he cannot interact with others of his age group (be they of the same sex or different) in permissive & jocular ways. If so, he will feel alienated by said society & opt to Critique & Distance from its fundamentals.13
When he finds his nation’s infrastructure, factories, etc., deracinated & hollowed out, with most of the Aging workforce engaging instead in ‘Service Sector’ silliness…
It is no coincidence that the vast majority of youthful & middle-aged men outright refuse to fight for their national militaries, & likewise abhor everything it ‘stands for:’
When Sir
& Yours Truly recently had Good Sir Malcom Kyeyune on the show; he pointed out that most ‘based Swedish Populist, Nationalist & Ethnostate bros’ had already left the country long ago, with many residing elsewhere.14Therefore, If Romantic Nostalgia & an Obsessive yearning for the long-gone past are pursued without consideration of Real, ‘on-the-ground’ pragmatic & practical considerations & facts, the outcome is Total Defeat & surrender.
The Western Peninsula of Afro-Eurasia, aka ‘Europe,’ has all but Surrendered in this manner, & all that awaits it is the proverbial shouting that follows the Coming Chaos…
The African Century Has Already Begun
The African Century & Eurafrica’s Rise as an Ecotechnic Retrotopia, Late 21st Century: A thriving Eurafrican city in the late 21st century, where rapid demographic growth & cultural fusion have led to a harmonious ecotechnic retrotopia. The town blends African traditions with European technologies, focusing on sustainability & ecological balance. Traditional markets coexist with modern green buildings powered by solar panels, wind turbines, & sustainable farming techniques. People of diverse backgrounds work together to promote a lifestyle that prioritizes environmental preservation, renewable energy, & community living. Streets are lined with trees, & urban gardens provide fresh produce for the population. The atmosphere is peaceful & vibrant, with a growing focus on education, social harmony, & local craftsmanship, as Eurafrica’s rise leads the world in environmental innovation & cultural resurgence.
‘African Demography will be the Geoeconomic Engine of the 21st Century.’
For many, this is simultaneously unbelievable & unacceptable…
To them, Africa is forever ‘The Dark Continent,’ hopelessly mired in poverty & war. They argue this will either forever be the case (due to the ‘inherent limits’ of the African) or it will persist far into the future, therefore making Africa irrelevant.15
The trouble with these ideas is that facts on the ground (past, present, & future) have proven them wrong, are proving them wrong, & will continue to prove them wrong.
Africans (overseas & at home) already play decisive roles in sundry economic spheres. This is especially true when we examine the Treemaps of Trade relations between ‘The Dark Continent’ & the allegedly Enlightened Westerners in the EU & beyond.16
The Trade deficit favours the former & has only widened in recent years as more specialized goods & services reach European markets. In a way, this is unsurprising:
In 1954, 1 African was born for every 1 European, with around 12 million births per annum respectively for both continents. Today’s world, however, is radically different:
In 2024, nearly 8 Africans will be born for every 1 European, with the latter falling to about 6 million births & the former exceeding 46 million births per annum.17
Over the next several decades (primarily until the end of this century & beyond), most natural population increases will come from Africa as Asia gradually peters out with deaths & overwhelming births sometime in the late 21st century.
This means that from now until at least the end of the remaining three-quarters of the century (& beyond), Africa’s proportion of Global Demographics will continue to increase as the other continents see their portions stagnate & then decline.18
Population growth is directly proportional to the GDP & related economic indicators, meaning that nations will turn to Migration as Births fall worldwide to bolster these markers. This ‘Juicing’ of the numbers will continue into the foreseeable future.19
This means that for Europe, the portion of Migrants from Africa (especially Sub-Saharan Africa) will continue to increase in the coming years & decades as labour shortages & related illths from an Aging, Stagnant & declining Population persist.
Therefore, by mid-century, African migrants will have colonized many parts of Southern & Western Europe, which Mass Aging will have emptied.20
The trends suggest this ‘fait accompli,’ although many in the Western world refuse to accept it, concocting sundry Romantic Fantasies with little to no basis in reality.
Many argue that tens of millions of Industrial Robots & related automata can be built & deployed in the coming years & decades to compensate for labour shortages.21
In tandem, they then argue that millions of people (primarily men aged 20-40) can then be ‘Remigrated &/or Deported’ en masse to lower costs & other overheads that the welfare state has to take up to feed, house & clothe this Cheap, Slave Labour Force.22
These Romantic Fantasies all fall apart when we make some basic, Real-World observations regarding Europe’s present Demographic woes & predicaments:
The Lion’s share of economic activity involves Human Labour & will remain that way for the foreseeable future. Yes, Automation can occur in select fields, but given energy, monetary, & material considerations, it can only be done piecemeal.
Meanwhile, Labour Productivity throughout the Western world (especially in Europe) has been stagnant for several decades, with record-low levels of unemployment.23
Thus, the past several decades have not seen some miraculous Deux Ex Machina of Robots ‘coming in to save the day.’ Instead, Labour has played the decisive role.
Europeans then (should they wish for High-Consumption lifestyles) must seek out their Cheap Slave Labour force from elsewhere, with Africa being the only realistic option…
Eurafrica & Eurabia’s Inevitable Ascent
Eurabia & Eurafrica’s Rise, The Ecotechnic Retrotopia of the 31st Century CE: In the 31st century, Eurabia & Eurafrica have become the epitome of cultural, technological, & ecological integration. The cities are radiant with sustainable innovation--solar farms, green roofs, & wind turbines power the bustling metropolises, while advanced transportation systems connect communities across continents. The society is a harmonious blend of African, Middle Eastern, & European traditions, with a deep respect for nature & a commitment to preserving cultural heritage. Urban spaces are lush with green parks, communal gardens, & art installations that reflect the diverse history of the people. The young, diverse population works together to create a prosperous future where resources are shared, & the environment is valued above all else. The streets feel peaceful yet full of energy as the people of Eurabia & Eurafrica continue to build a world of balance & sustainability. The light of innovation, culture, & ecological consciousness shines brightly over the cities, signalling the undeniable ascent of this new, united civilization.
The 4th edition of Meyers Konversationslexikon (Leipzig, 1885–1892) shows the Caucasian race (in various shades of grayish blue-green) comprising Aryans, Semites, & Hamites. Aryans are further subdivided into European Aryans & Indo-Aryans (the term "Indo-Aryans" was then used to describe those now called "Indo-Iranians").
Original File:
“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate & replace throughout the world the savage races.”24
Over a century & a half ago, these remarks were made by Charles Darwin in The Descent of Man (1871), where he saw the ‘Civilized’ Caucasoid Races of Europe & the Faustian West inevitably triumphing over the other, ‘Non-Civilized’ Races.
During his time, Darwin had seen the Mexicans decimated by US forces in the Mexican-American War of 1846-1848. Likewise, he had witnessed the European Powers inflict their ‘New Imperialism’ on the sundry Negroid Races of Africa:
Driven by the Second Industrial Revolution of the Late 19th century to pre-WW I years, Faustian Man harnessed railways, telegraphs, electrification & machine guns to mow down the other nations of the world, rapidly subjugating whole peoples.25
At the beginning of the 19th century CE, there were just under 200 million Europeans, with Africans making up just over 80 million of the World's population.
By the end of the century & the beginning of the 20th century CE, Europeans numbered over 400 million, with Africans numbering under 140 million of the World's population. Yet it was in the first half of the 20th century that things rapidly shifted…
The ‘Civilized’ Caucasoid Races murdered one another in the tens of millions in the Two World Wars, bringing an end to their unchecked Hegemony over the rest of the world. As the USSR & the US came out of said contest & the Cold War began…
European Civilization & Faustian Man began his terminal descent into the Abyss.26
By 1950, Europeans numbered just under 550 million, to Africa’s roughly 230 million.
By 1995, these numbers had equalized to around 730 million for both Continents.
By 2025, Africans will outnumber Europeans over 2:1, with the former clocking in at over 1.55 billion compared to the latter’s more paltry 750 million inhabitants.
Given current trends, this ratio will grow to nearly 7:1 by 2100, with Europeans shrinking to under 600 million & Africans coming in at under 4 billion inhabitants.27
Thus, Darwin was decisively wrong about the triumph of ‘Civilized Man.’
The West had not triumphed over the ‘Barbarian Savages.’ Instead, as Oswald Spengler had noted in The Decline Of The West, Volume-2 (1922), ‘Civilization’ had rendered Faustian Man Metaphysically Sterile & Inept against his coming Decline & Fall.28
As Europe Ages into oblivion, with Old-Age dependencies spiking & bringing with it sundry illths, it no longer has any technological edges left to stave off the inevitable…
Jean Raspail, French novelist & adventurer, observed astutely in 1971:
“What if they were to come? I did not know who "they" were, but it seemed inevitable to me that the numberless disinherited people of the South would, like a tidal wave, set sail one day for this opulent shore, our fortunate country's wide-gaping frontier.”29
What The Camp of The Saints (1975) ultimately got wrong was Scale & Scope. On the other points, however, it was on target regarding Europe’s non-existent future:
Today, the Peninsula is rapidly depopulating & deindustrializing, with labour shortages, decreasing tax revenues, imploding social welfare systems, & other issues. These are heralding cultural malaise, national decline, & military weakness…
As civilian & military infrastructure gets increasingly decrepit alongside all these other illths, the ‘Tidal waves’ will arrive (bit by bit, year over year, decade over decade):
So long as European societies continue their generous welfare states & High-consumption lifestyles, the demand for Cheap Slave Labour will continue with little pushback as the Demographic Winter pushes ahead with The Great Replacement.
Therefore, Eurafrica & Eurabia are the far future of the Peninsula. They will be the ones who build a post-Faustian Civilization, & the Ninth Spenglerian High Culture.30
The DOOM Cometh…!
; writes &Once Again, Many Thanks to the lovely editorial Team at Arktos Journal, & to the excellent Sir Constantin von Hoffmeister for picking up my essay series! 😉
A Warm Welcome to all the New frenz from Arktos Journal who wish to inspect my humble DOOM-wares! 😉Subscribe for more such DOOM, gloom & despair! 😊
For others, not so much! 😉 It’s perplexing in a way… Some of these people are Biological Determinists who believe absolutely in ‘Race & IQ’ being ironclad in determining the fate of men & nations, yet when you argue with them that Age/Aging & Existent Industrial Infrastructure are better markers… they often eschew their Biological Determinism altogether & argue in favour of ‘Robots saving the day’ & other silliness! 🤭
A quick visual example should be enough here.
The European Union's population pyramid is narrowing at the base & widening at the top due to Stagnant to Declining Population Growth numbers. This means a higher dependency ratio, coupled with fewer Men (ages 20 to 40) as a percentage of the population.
For an excellent primer on the Demographic Transition, read this excellent resource that explains why Global Population Growth has cooled so sharply in recent decades. 😊
For an excellent essay on what ‘Negative-Sum Economics’ & the corresponding environment it sculpts may look like, here is Grandmaster of DOOM,
’s amazing essay on the subject, The Negative Sum Economy (2021), from 😘Feel free, Dear Listeners & Readers, to play around with the data for Crude Births vs Crude Deaths here 😉:
Namely, None of these small bumps up in fertility rates from such measures (1) last for long before declining once more per usual & (2) none have taken TFR values back to 2.1 per woman or better (the standard expected for a stable to growing population).
While I admit that there are Europeans who have foregone liberalism & its various illths for more traditional modes & lifestyles… the bottom line is that the lion’s share of the populace (especially those who live in the dense urban centres) have not done so.
What I mean by this is that Population Stagnation & decline will be the trend for several decades as the urban, liberal majority dies off en masse, courtesy of their various libertine & modernist pursuits. The mathematics of this is overwhelming, with only a few minority groups across various European states breaking & bucking from these harmful trends.
After a society peaks in childbirths, there is a short window of time 2-4 decades later, during which period it will have a large working-age population (who have entered into the 20-40 year age cohort) thanks to said peaking now distantly in the past.
A quick emphasis here: the causal relationship here is concurrent to successive. So, for instance, you will often find that things like decreasing Tax Revenues & decrepit infrastructure occur concurrently &/or with the former getting followed by the latter. The same is not valid for the Tertiary Impacts that succeed Secondary Impacts. The former need to marinate for quite some time before they follow the latter several years down the line.
Most Western economies today derive their GDP from the service sector, with some garnering 80%+ of all GDP from the tertiary sector. The trouble, of course, as Dr.
& others have noted, is that activities like Prostitution, Drug Trafficking & other illicit activities are put under this basket as ‘Productive Economic Activity.’ There are also nonsense jobs (i.e. such as in HR & related fields) which produce nothing Physical. The Service Sector is primarily hot air in the lion’s share of ‘Developed’ Economies.People are generally very stubborn about this issue. If you tell them directly that they are undergoing The Great Replacement, their primary response is name-calling, jeers, & lampoons. The trouble, of course (as myself & others have noted time & again), is that such things do not magically improve one’s society. They are simply a lot of noise & hurt feelings coupled with emotion, tantrums & emoting.
Therefore, I believe ‘show, don’t tell!’ is the correct approach. Sometimes, people need to understand how genuinely moot their situation is to break free of the spell that LARP-ing & ‘acting tough’ in cyberspace will somehow change things. I have found that it’s best to let things ‘play their course,’ after which one describes what is going on, hoping that people will see reason regarding their sundry social & cultural illths.
(from ) wrote an excellent Note regarding this group of people focusing solely on Critique & Distance. He correctly noted that such people are viewed negatively by both sides, namely opponents of Western Civilization, as well as those in the pro-West camp who endorse Liberalism & its sundry illths. Appeals to a West that was ‘once great’ does not ingratiate one with either of these groups, for both will view you as perverting the ‘facts on the ground’ via Romantic Nostalgia.Here is the relevant podcast episode where we analyzed Faustian Man’s sundry maladies 😉:
In the former camp, we find sundry acolytes who adhere to the Biological Determinism ‘Race & IQ.’ In the latter camp, we have sundry Unipolar, pro-Liberal worldviews, the lion’s share of whom argue that Africa lacks the cultural & social institutions to pose any threat to the so-called ‘Western way of life.’ Together, these two groups are engaged in a Naive Optimism about their group while grossly underestimating non-Westerners.
European births per annum have halved, while African births have nearly quadrupled. This means that the Demographic Dividend for the latter over the next 2-4 decades & beyond will be paid out en masse, with more African working-age youths in Europe, Africa & the rest of the world taking up increasingly more economic roles. Until the 2080s (i.e., when Africa is expected to reach ‘Peak Childbirth’ ), such dividend payouts will only continue to widen.
More than four out of five people worldwide will live in either Asia or Africa by the century’s end. Africa’s share is expected to exceed a third of the global population, while Asia’s share will decline from its peak of almost three-fifths today to under half by 2100.
Relevant Article:
Until various states, sub-states, & other actors seriously pursue Degrowth & Ecotopic Socioeconomic arrangements, the obsession with Infinite Growth on a Finite Planet will continue, further exacerbating issues like Mass Migration & Ethnic Conflict.
Large parts of rural Europe are deserted, & this will accelerate in the future. Relevant Article:
Robots & Automation are endogenous variables, subject to trade-offs like leadership's decisions regarding Enterprise, Land, Labour, & Capital. In many fields (such as Agriculture), the limits to Growth were reached long ago regarding increased automation, with the Diminishing returns phase taking shape when we examine Farm machinery per unit of Agricultural land. This trend has been Stagnant & Declining since the 1990s:
This is a wet dream & a Romantic Fantasy. The Logistical challenges alone are sufficient to debunk this silliness entirely, but so too are the Military, Legal, Social & related challenges, which will utterly decimate these already aging Moribund Welfare states. Relevant:
This indicates that people are working multiple part-time jobs & side hustles to continue living their sundry lifestyles. It does not indicate a massive BOOM in technological progress & innovation since such a thing would mean mass unemployment (a la the Robots ‘stealing all the jobs’) coupled with huge increases in Labour Productivity per capita.
Volume I, chapter VI: "On the Affinities & Genealogy of Man", page-201.
The First Industrial Revolution, spanning from 1760-1830, allowed the Faustian West to develop sundry force multipliers such as The Steam Engine, Factory System, etc. These, coupled with Energy Surpluses from Coal, enabled them to outproduce & outcompete the larger, older (& back then, Declining & Stagnant) Old World Empires such as the Ottomans, Mughals, Qing Dynasty & others. This leapfrog enabled them to reach the next vantage…
The Second Industrial Revolution, spanning from 1870-1914. The Telegraph, Production Lines, Mass Electrification & Standardization of civilian & military supply chains allowed Westerners to engage in the Scramble For Africa, now that sufficient technics had been developed to address Attrition in the Dark Continent’s interior due to Malaria & related vector-borne diseases, whereby previously such capability had not been developed.
Here is an excellent video resource which summarizes all these key developments, in brief:
Yours Truly has written an essay on the Terminal Descent of the Western world over here:
Disclaimer: It is entirely possible that as Grandmaster of DOOM,
has noted in many of his writings, that what we get instead is a mass contraction of Human population by century’s end, rather than (as the UN & other International bodies claim) an increase & levelling off at around just over the 10 billion mark. For a great read on what the Grandmaster has to say regarding the sundry nuances of Collapse, refer to this piece here:How Civilizations Fall: A Theory of Catabolic Collapse (2004, 2005)
The Relevant quote regarding ‘Civilized’ Man is this one, taken from The Decline of the West, Volume II. World-historical Perspectives (1922), Alfred A. Knopf, 1928, pp. 103–04:
“& then, when being is sufficiently uprooted & waking-being sufficiently strained, there suddenly emerges into the bright light of history a phenomenon that has long been preparing itself underground & now steps forward to make an end of the drama—the sterility of civilized man. This is not something that can be grasped as a plain matter of causality (as modern science naturally enough has tried to grasp it); it is to be understood as an essentially metaphysical turn towards death. The last man of the world-city no longer wants to live—he may cling to life as an individual, but as a type, as an aggregate, no, for it is a characteristic of this collective existence that it eliminates the terror of death. That which strikes the true peasant with a deep & inexplicable fear, the notion that the family & the name may be extinguished, has now lost its meaning. The continuance of the blood-relation in the visible world is no longer a duty of the blood, & the destiny of being the last of the line is no longer felt as a doom. Children do not happen, not because children have become impossible, but principally because intelligence at the peak of intensity can no longer find any reason for their existence.”
Raspail, John (1995). Le Camp des Saints (Édition 2011). Social Contract Press. ISBN 978-1-881780-07-6.
Your Friendly Neighbourhood DOOM Merchant has written (& dictated!) several essays on what this future may look like over here; please have a look! 😉😘 :
For the West it ultimately comes down to two problems. The young are not breeding like rabbits and the old are not dying like flies, so you have the boomer generation sliding along like a pig through the demographic python.
Cultural suicide is the product of liberalism and self loathing.