Thank you Ahnaf. I'm afraid I only listened with one ear, as I dozed through the heat of the afternoon, hoping to learn by osmosis. Enough seems to go in to reassure me that, if the future of the west is Islamic, then all may be well following the transition. God, knowledge, compassion, learning, sobriety, modesty... I wish I'd grown up in that west!

God bless you Sir. Many thanks. - Waiting eagerly for your Bangladesh article!!

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Saved for later reading at a more quiet moment

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Thank You Kindly! 😊

If possible, feel free to 'give my voice a go' a la listening to the Voiceover! 😅

I enjoyed reading aloud this Gem immensely! 😉

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I will once I can sit down and my cats are asleep. I find your writings very interesting having come across the Muslim world as a child on account of my seafaring family.

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Thank You for the Kind Words! & yes, care for them first & foremost before reading &/or listening to this piece! 😅

This is Shaykh Hamza Yusuf's essay from about 5 years ago... but I felt that reading out aloud was warranted, given how Muslims today should 'step upto the plate' & offer real leadership in all areas.

Especially now that multiple crises in the West ( & beyond! ) are engulfing the world by storm.

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I’ll get back to you on this! 🙂

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