Thanks for the mention and for sharing your insights and perspective during our recent discussion! I am confident that there will be plenty of DOOM for you to analyze in the weeks ahead! I have a feeling we are just warming up!

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Thank You for the Kind Words Good Sir!

Looking forward to our future collaboration! What say you about coming over to The Annals of America & having a discussion about American History? 😊

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Sounds good! Thanks!

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Thanks for your illuminating posts !!

Hope your doom-furnace does not run-out of energy in the next decades ... Best to not rely on one source only ...🤣🤣🤣

Living permanently in a Muslim country during the last two decades, I am desperate to see on a daily basis how much doom they have undergone since the days their "leaders" have all been entirely bought by the Zionists.

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Thank You Good Sir!

Yes, there is no doubt a lot of 'clean up' that needs to be done (lots of Trash to be taken out in the vast majority of Muslim nations 😊 )... that said, I have seen very good signs 'on the ground' & via my many Bros that the Tide is rapidly turning.

The DOOM cometh... & so too does the awakening of the Ummah!

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