This is a wonderful thought provoking piece

Thank you!

The only thing I disagree with is the artefacts being left as a monument of humanity’s achievement

I think, like the statues from times past, they will be destroyed in the name of social justice of some variety so as not to remind cultures that could not excel that equality is a lie

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The way things are going, no such people will be around soon.

Almost every Western country has issues with Fertility & Population growth... most of these 'social justice' people are fads who will either (1) Die off, (2) Emigrate elsewhere or (3) Be supplanted by those who do actually have kids.

Most of the ruins of society will be courtesy of the same reason Detroit fell apart... Deindustrialization, Degrowth & their sundry fruits.

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There are only a few of us who are conservative, but also know that Israel is the enemy.

It’s sick what they are doing to the Palestinians and I’m glad you write about it. We have to keep getting the word out there.

. Anyway, thanks for your thoughtful essays.

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