I don't think anyone is talking about mass murder of an entire global religious identity; that would be as silly as talking about killing every Christian or the like.

Making generalizations is always hard because they always, always underestimate factionalism in any category. Even in the area of total European dominance, they were mostly focused on making war on one another, and so it is everywhere.

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Correct Good Sir!

The reason I bring it up is that you will find the occasional non-serious person going, 'We just need to remove all the Muslims from Europe & things will be fine.'... the point was used to address them & those who may sympathize with such silly pursuits.

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The sentiment for removing Muslims from Europe stems from a desire to retake our various and specific homelands, and Muslims are an easier and less-dangerous target currently than the real culprits.*

There is no denying the current impetus across the Muslim world to take those lands which for centuries had been denied them by Christian Europeans. Europe is weak and so, like vultures, beckoned forth by the assailants which stand over the soon-dead corpse of European soil, many among the Muslim faith see this as an opportune time to strike - Erdogan is a prime example of this mentality.

I am conflicted on this topic. Many National Socialists converted to Islam and migrated to Egypt after the fall but I see this as an ancestral betrayal. On the other hand, I respect Islam for what it is and the many Islamic persons who've contributed a great deal.

Ultimately, it will come down to whether European men have the will to see their legacies live on, but I don't think Islam and Europe populated by racial Europeans are necessarily mutually exclusive.

It must be a surreal phenomenon to watch a once-indomitable people being dragged into the pits of hell, many of whom are pulling their own chains.


* Whether this sentiment is wrong I cannot say with certainty, but I am inclined to believe it to be the case that it is wrong.

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Any attempt at expulsion of Europe's Muslims (who are White, Black, Brown & everything else) will be met with Reprisal.

So this is not a serious proposal:

Such a view is DOOM-ed anyhow, since Ukraine, 'Israel' & related Reactionary entities built on Ethnically Cleansing, Displacing & engaging in Genocide... become Pariahs & are surrounded & brought to an end, inevitably so.

Muslim governments, filled with CIA-backed puppets who are 'bought & paid for' Fools, even if they do not lift a finger, are irrelevant—the Common Muslim Youth, Man, etc., will Move to Action should the Believers be oppressed in such a way.

These are the 'Facts on the Ground.'

Anyone who knows all this, & knows likewise the coming War against Russia & China (which will be simultaneous) will be prudent in negotiating amicably with Us, rather than resorting to such silliness that will Implode their crumbling societies.

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You, along with the Muslim world have your beliefs. That is fine. Ethnic European destiny is up to Europeans, and no amount of threats or attempts at demoralizing Europeans by Muslims will move those of us who understand this.

The choice is simple:

Accept that Europe is home, rightfully, to racial Europeans, and leave peacefully when requested to your own ancestral lands, with the thanks, gratitude, and appreciation of those of us who seek its revitalization. Or, engage in the same kind of ethnic cleaning of Europeans currently being visited (unjustly) against Palestinians by Israel, and the US regime.

You cannot seriously respect a person/people who beg and plead for help like slaves. This is something I, and my children, will never do - since we are not slaves.

While the Islamic world, without honor, steals land and blood from Europe, there can be no negotiations. With all my heart I wish to see the adversaries of Zionism and post-modern hedonistic nihilism unite under a common banner against these evils, but it will never be at the expense of my own people.

Surely you can understand this sentiment?

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The White European tidal wave of Muslim converts is near.

'Eurabia' will not become a reality because there will be some Military Conquest (or whatnot) of the Continent.

Instead, White Europeans, keen on preserving their Lineage (i.e. race, ethnicity, etc.), will become One with the Ummah en masse because of Islam's emphasis on the 'Right to a Family & Lineage.'

This Right is Unique to Us & will be what makes European Islam's meteoric Rise inevitable once the 'bottlenecks' are removed.

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Given the state of the Catholic church and Protestant sects (many corrupted by the Schofield bible support the current genocide) it's possible that the reaction to unreasoned and corrupted "scientific" disciplines from economics, medicine, climate, etc has resulted in the breakdown of trust in western institutions of governance and the consequent reaction bring authoritarian rule. In the background a corrupted rentier class and enablers forming the 1 percent scurry for camouflage as they expose themselves via WEF agendas. David Graeber described the arc of parasitic elites well in "Debt: the first 5000 years. The bill is due.

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This may be true. My concern is with the racial and spiritual health of my own people. You claim your mandate comes from Allah (speaking generally), while mine come from the duty owed my ancestors and my sons.

Islam will never conquer Europe as it is incompatible with the European soul. Prognostications on the part of Islamic adherent contrary to this point are irrelevant to me and only serve as a low-borne attempt at goading.

Those of us who see what is wrong with Western societies did not need faith in your God (pbuh) to come to this revelation.

The protection of the blood is of the utmost importance. If this is not threatened by Islam I have no quarrel. History, and current events, show this to, in most cases, not be true.

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Love it. Glad to see that our views of what is ill within the West coincide. I'm interested to hear what a Muslim has to say about it, in the rest of the series!

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Thank You for the Kind Words, Good Sir!

Yes, there will be 12 parts, & a conclusion, & these will be simul-posted at Arktos (& over here). I felt the need to do this since each of the 12 parts clocks in at 4k words or so, & the conclusion being at 2k would mean, in total, a 'small book.'

Currently, the goal is to segment it out, do maybe one or two per week & finish it that way. Afterward, I may choose to put it out 'in full' should there be demand for it.

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"That West of Christendom, which resisted the oppression of kings, was charitable to the destitute, the weak, and the orphans, was patient with trials, troubles, and tribulations, and was always of sound mind when in battle...

That West may yet stage a comeback!"

Thanks for recognising the distinction between the remnant of Christendom within the West as being worthy of recognition.

But the seats of power are now virtually all occupied by those of the globalist/cultural Marxist/ materialist/ Satanic type and rheir useful idiot puppets who go in front of the cameras for their masters.

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Correct; however, it remains to be seen what Westerners can muster in these final moments before the world plunges into Global Conflict, Slaughter, & Carnage.

Indeed, I am an outsider & have little to say on what said peoples end up 'choosing'... however it is not yet a 'done deal' that they remain under the yoke of the vile Antihuman forces which you, Good Sir, correctly note are in charge presently.

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I know that you are humble in accepting compliments but your writing is impressive Ahnaf Ibn Quais. Just a fact.

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Thank You Kindly for the Words of Praise, of which I am undeserving of!

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This is an interesting and measured post, I'm eager to see the rest.

I'll enrich it by adding that there are not two Wests - there's at least four of them.

The First West represents the philosophical continuum from the various pagan religions and customs of Europe, to the Greco-Roman philosophical tradition (chiefly Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle and Plotinus), to the Roman Catholic Church which took both and laid a rather thin Biblical veneer upon them. This First West died a slow death at the hands of the Third West, but has its closest living relative in the Orthodox-Slavic tradition.

The Second West is the child of the Magisterial Reformation and is characterized by mostly-Anglo-Saxon Protestant Biblical Nationalism. It is the West of the Puritans, the Boers, and the Gottingen School of History. This Second West rediscovered the Bible and did their honest best to apply its wisdom, raw and simple; you can see in John Cotton's "Abstract of the Laws of New England" how much they tactily recognized the necessity of the Law of Moses in a Christian society. This Second West died a slow death of ideological poisoning at the hands of the Counter-Reformation in the 19th century, although you can see a few lit embers today if you look hard enough (for example, the Theonomists)

The Third West is the West of the Enlightenment, of Modernism, of Classical Deism, Traditional Freemasonry, Darwinism and Social Darwinism, and both 19th Century Liberalism and Socialism. While its de facto atheism doomed it from the start, this West was for the most part a honest attempt at rational philosophical inquiry, and it brought the greatest technological progress in history thus far.

The Third West died between 1945 and the 1960s of an incurable disease called Post-Modernism, although Accelerationists and Tech Bros would probably be its closest living relatives.

Many people confuse the Third West with its successor, the Fourth West, the Post-Modern and Gnostic West, although they have nothing in common.

The Third West was Deist/Atheistic; the Fourth West is Gnostic, taking the spirituality of Pagan and Semi-Pagan religions such as Neoplatonism, Buddhism and Catholicism and hollowing them out of Religion (i.e, text, liturgy and hierarchy) to turn them into a gaseous Cult of the Self.

The Third West was openly White Supremacist, Faustian, Nietzschean and still quite patriarchal; The Fourth West is the absolute transvaluation of values, a religion of hedonistic self-immolation for the White Race and of self-denial for the White Man in particular.

This is the West currently in charge, and the one openly at war with all civilizations - since it hates everything good and true.

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Thank you for the in depth analysis! Appreciate it!

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Khomeini is quoted as saying on November 5, 1979, "[America is] the great Satan, the wounded snake." Then, I thought that was shocking and outrageous. Now? Not so much...

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thank you... do you completly agree with Islamic attitude and actions about all the other worldly faiths...?

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I believe the ideas of the Age of Enlightenment (17th and 18th centuries) are evil. I submit myself to God, not materialism. I am an American who has converted to Eastern Orthodoxy. There are very few of us in the United States. We share many conservative beliefs with Muslims. The Gaza genocide is evil. Please remember that some Americans are anti-western ideology. God have mercy on us.

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The successive essays are written with those Westerners in mind who are anti-Enlightenment & from Christendom. That is to whom I will be addressing, which is why these Prefatory remarks were very blunt on excluding those from the Globalist West.

So yeah, welcome onboard! I will try to put out one to two essays per week from this series for the coming few weeks.

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how are muslims instructed to view , consider , treat , relate to etc the rest of the non muslim world , and themselves ??? dear God of goodness and truth and love please enlighten our darkness

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No man is God Almighty.

Regarding Non-Muslims, Scholars have spoken at length on this subject. Here, for example, is a reader on how Muslims view the Ultimate Fate of Non-Muslims:


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