Also, while there is a geographical alignment of countries, there is also a capacity based stratification based on a particular governments ability to maintain a degree of strategic autonomy. Can a country defend its currency? Manage its debt? Secure its ports and transportation infrastructure? Protect against a color revolution? Manage its media and social media and communications? Protect its boarders? Access fuel, electricity, and other energy forms? These capacity based questions can inform what choices and what level of strategic autonomy a nation has in the era of renewed great power competition.

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Precisely. The introduction here is to briefly touch & skim issues... while these matters in detail will be touched on in the forthcoming book's various chapters.

If you would like to see it come to life, please do Pitch in Some Dinars if you are willing, ready & able to do so! If not, please do share this Introductory Essay Far & Wide!

Thank You again for the incisive comment!

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Great article, great perspective! The analytical structure of geo-economics as a subset of geo-politics is great, as are the seven domains of economic cooperation/competition/coercion/conflict. One thing I’m not clear on is where debt, devaluation, and lending fit into the framework, as well as the currency warfare.

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Thank You for the Kind Words!

Geo-Economics is a subset of Geo-Strategy. Geo-Politics is another such subset of Geo-Strategy, & both it & Geo-Economics have areas of overlap per a standard Venn diagram of overlapping circles; Geo-Politics focuses more on the Statecraft side of things, while Geo-Economics focuses on the Commerce & Industry side.

This is the tentative Introduction to the 500+ page book... it just briefly touches on certain aspects. As to Debt, devaluation, etc., these would be Geo-political pursuits which have some overlap in Geo-Economics a la impacts on Value Streams (akin to what was touched on)... but you would have to wait 1+ year or so for the Book to come out (God Willing/Inshallah!) to read the entire analytical framework.

Hope that helps!

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3. The falling living standards as a price paid for democracy won’t sell, as western elites very obviously continue to do well- from French Laundry dinners amidst lockdowns, and stellar Wall Street results during economic crisis…

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Indeed, this will be an angle I cover in the forthcoming book in a later chapter (i.e., where I go over why such a thing 'doesn't sell anymore' to the public).

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Thanks, this is very well constructed argumentation of the "doom loop". Very dense deployment of language that resonates like the densely layered style of writers like early William Gibson; his is fiction yours non-fiction. It will take several reads to appreciate the nuances - my first done last night in one pass.

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I am deeply Honoured by your words of praise, which I am wholly undeserving of!

There are multiple links to whole analyses & scholarly papers, so I wish you luck! There are layers & layers underneath all the links utilized. Therefore, this introductory essay (if an in-depth reading approach is used) can be read repeatedly.

The finished book will be written in a similar structure... layers of footnotes, sources, citations & other evidence to demonstrate the arguments being made here.

Feel Free, Good Sir, to Share & let everyone know of My Work!

Also, Many Thanks for the 5x Coffees! 😊

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Like the work.

It doesn't even get into the DOOM of the Chinese / Russian owned assets within our borders. Such as businesses, marijuana farms, etc; that are playing the long game and disrupting our society and economy.

For instance, I live in a state where they can grow marijuana legally. It's crazy how much Chinese and Russian money is in the business. Which then drives up property prices, messes with utilities, drains aquifers, etc. All while stupefying the populace of a country that is a long term competitor and aggressor.

To say nothing of the financial wars or physical threats that could be posed by other agents within our systems, when the economies have no dollar assets to lose (or are going to lose them anyways).

Just seems crazy to game it all out, and think that it is a smart choice to be so dependent, then so aggressive, and so -dumb-.

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It will be covered under Techno-Economic Statics (the chapter, as opposed to the summary, which was briefly highlighted here). This was more the Tentative Introduction of the forthcoming book (so 'in print' it would be the first 20 or so pages).

But yes, Dinars must be pitched to the DOOM Furnace first so I can Smelt it for all. 😊

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Fair enough - can't get into all the DOOM in one pitch. Have to make a DOOM mountain.

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Yes Sir. Please do Spread Far & Wide so that I may Procure Dinars from those willing, ready & able to pitch in!

Building a DOOM mountain is expensive! 😂

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Will be linking to the article in a post today or in the next couple. Doing a series on capitalism right now, and how it's being taken advantage of. Your posts are more in depth than mine - mine a philosophical argument with rhetoric in short format.

Have the browser tab open, till then!

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I can't imagine the effort that you put into this but it is greatly appreciated. Fascinating stuff!

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Thank you kindly!

Send & Share to all Frens willing, ready & able to pitch in some Dinars… it will be much appreciated! 😊

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