Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Ahnaf Ibn Qais

Dear Mr Doom, you Eurabian series is thought-provoking indeed!

A couple notes from the westernmost EU satrapy formerly known as Spain, a land shaped during +800 yrs by both the coexistence AND fighting between Christianity and Islam:

First of all: blanket terms like "the West" or "Europe" are shallow and inexact. To be more precise, this "the West" thing should be re-defined as "the current Anglo- or Angloamerican dominant and pervasive media culture". And it is abhorred in many (small town, rural) European areas; this is true, for example, in middle Spain, rural France & Italy, Hungary, or the Balkans. This is especially noteworthy in the essay, where the author is constantly talking about "the West" but centering its argumentation around the UK.

Muslim immigration to Europe could be all good and dandy except for the following facts:

1) several Muslim countries have emptied their prisons of petty criminals and sent them to Europe (this is proven fact for e.g. Morocco and Algeria, and suspected of other Maghreb countries). Win-win situation: prison costs go down, petty criminality goes down, police overwork and prison saturation reduced, and the problem is foisted upon the receiving country. Example: in Barcelona, 75% of petty crime is nowadays perpetrated by Maghrebi youth gangs.

2) Some immigrants (specially of criminal background, and mostly related to drug traffic) work for the intelligence agencies of the mother country. Also a proven fact, e.g. in the case of the 11-M Madrid bombings. So, yes, there is a sort of Fifth Column in place collecting intelligence and building networks inside Europe indeed.

3) Many (if not most) mosques in Europe are financed (and their imams trained and vetted) by Saudi Arabia (nasty wahhabis), Turkiye (Erdoganists) and to a lesser degree, Morocco and other countries. Do you sincerely expect that these preachers are not going to advance the geopolitical interests of their sponsors??

4) the fallacy of the missing European workforce. We actually don´t need that many immigrants as supposed, thank you. In Spain we have 3M unemployed people and 2.6M legal immigrants with a legal job (data May 2024). No more comment needed. There are certainly areas with an acute lack of workers, but if you dig into the details, the open jobs in many cases require a strong technical or professional background.

5) the fallacy of the missing Europeans. The numbers of native Europeans are falling. So what??! This is not the 19th or early 20th century where the sheer mass of manpower was essential for the rise and prevalence of countries & Empires. The advances in robotics & automation can more than compensate for the fall in net population in industrial and service output. Just look at Japanese or Korean industrial titans. Even war-fighting does not require as many soldiers as before. The experience of the Ukraine war proves that, as well. Air, sea and ground drones dominate the battlefield, and many crewed systems (tanks, artillery, boats...) have more and more automated functions (gun loaders, target acquisition, navigation, surveillance...) so that human crews are getting smaller as a result.

6) the US-dominated European institutions (NATO, EU), do repress any kind of grassroots sovereignty movements, but on the other hand are open to lobbying and political interference by Muslim interests (see Qatargate and Moroccogate in the EU). The case of Spain is specially infuriating because Morocco (the US' and Israel´s best buddy in the Maghreb, by the way) has literally bought a large number of Spanish politicians and media figures and has also probably collected a lot of blackmail of the current President & his wife, using the infamous Israeli Pegasus spyware. So, sorry but i do not buy that a medieval monarchy (Morocco) that opresses its own people and controls the mafia networks that move illegal immigrants from Africa into Europe is not going to use (some of the) Moroccan immigrants living in my country for subversion and destabilization activities. One last example: the political party in Catalonia that is pro-independence and pro-Morocco. Basically working to first destroy Spain and then turn Catalonia into an Islamic Caliphate subject to Morocco. Here:


Last thing: my own personal experience with (mostly older - in their 40s and 50s) Maghrebi people here in Spain has been nothing but excellent. Very hard workers, putting lots of hours in the most exhausting jobs; just wanting to give their families a better future.

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Thank You for the Well-thought out comment!

Yours Truly will respond in a few hours, time permitting, Inshallah!

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RemovedJul 6
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Nobody is interested in your passive aggressive Gamma Male banter.

This is your one and only warning. Behave in a proper way or be banned.

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RemovedJul 5
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Muslims have been in Europe since the Ummayad Conquest of Iberia in the 8th century CE. Therefore, we have a right to Eurabia.

Algeria is now once again Majority Muslim, & soon, there will be sizable pluralities in Iberia & France. Europe is the past; Eurabia is the Future, Inshallah!

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And how did they get there. By the sword and conquest. Is that OK to do to take back once majority Christian Lands? Or only one way.

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There are no armies left in Europe, most of them are nothing but glorified police forces.

The Emperor America is going to be entering a multi front WW III in which it will try to make its EU vassals and satrapies sacrifice one another en masse. Basically, to put it bluntly:

You have a weak poker hand.

A man who lacks will, readiness and ability to fight… should not speak like this.

Neither should countries who (let’s be honest) have no actual kinetic ability to engage in mass violence given the coming World War.

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By that standard all land currently in Muhammadan hands is rightfully Christian because we once occupied it. If that's the game you want to play, then fine, but you're advocating for brutal war. Knowing the history of Muhammadism, it sounds like you're just be honest about what your religion teaches. Honesty and upfront-ness is admirable at least.

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There are no European armies, only boutique, glorified police forces.

The American military meanwhile is overstretched and undermanned and under equipped.

The West no longer has the will, readiness or ability to occupy anything, let alone engage in even minor skirmishes with small to medium sized real armies.

Any full scale war means the end of the West. My own view is that Westerners value their own lives more and will choose Eurabia instead.

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Sorry I replied to the wrong comment. I don't think you know us. Sure, there are many demoralized seculars, but the core of these nations will endure. The few men that still have hearts. They may be crushed, but never defeated. I'd take a company of marines over a battalion of Arabs or Turks any day of the week. The men who will turn the tide have already been born.

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Addendum: No insults to Muslims & Islam will be tolerated. One of your comments was deleted for this reason & this will be your one & only warning.

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I think we are just enemies. Not really relevant because I am American, but there is nothing to really say to you. I am a devout Catholic and you are the antithesis of that. Best of luck out there I guess.

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Completely irrelevant.

The Afghan War was a debacle in which the casualty ratio was 4:3, favouring the Taliban frens (once local troops are factored in)

Mercenary companies of 'white boys' worldwide are easily trounced when they go to Latin America, the Congo, etc.

The myth of 'quality' forces is just that... a myth.

The fact is that the current woes in production & manufacturing of military equipment is not a fluke. This has happened because of an actual weakness in personnel (be it in their character, ability, etc).

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The ANA getting their butt kicked despite all the money globohomo could throw at them would be pretty hilarious if it weren't for all the dead soldiers as a consequence.

I think the production and manufacturing woes to the extent they exist is due to manufacturing being largely displaced out of the west. Relatively minor powers in WW1 produced more artillery shells than in a week than what all NATO makes in a month because we have economies based off usury instead of the production of actual value.

I don't the West is superior in terms of individual fighting ability overall, but in terms of organization and logistical power. Historically they were other non-western powers who could match them, but I don't see any country currently capable of really going on the offense outside of China really. Iran would succeed in the long run if ZOG attacked on their homeland but going on the offense is quite different. All this is so speculative.

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RemovedJul 5
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Jul 5·edited Jul 5Author

'Muslims will never be....'

Yet here we are! A TFR of sub 1.9 gets you there, even without much new migration. Pew figured this out ages ago in their studies.

Addendum: Insults towards Muslims will not be tolerated. Your Comment below was removed for said innuendo. This is your One & Only Warning!

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RemovedJul 5
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Jul 5·edited Jul 5Author

You have demolished precisely nothing.

Conversions & TFR numbers (per what my bros have shown me) are very positive. The secular analysts, meanwhile, undercount us often. I am not complaining since, frankly... it makes our job easier!

If people take the attitude, 'Oh, the Muslims will not grow too much in number!' ... that makes Daw'ah activity far easier!

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There are over 50+ million Muslims in Europe (sans Russia) today, of which several million are White Converts. Emigration waves will no doubt occur due to deindustrialization & worsening economic conditions in Europe.

However, the critical threshold has been reached (for native converts), and we now have multigenerational European Muslim families. Any attempt to forcibly remove them will be viewed as Ethnic Cleansing & a Hostile Act.

Europe cannot afford to do such a thing since the Emperor America is about to fight Three Civilizations at the Same time... & is pulling its EU satrapies & vassals into said losing fight with giddy excitement. There will be no time or scope for an Ethnic Cleansing Operation when one's existence is in doubt to begin with.

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