Jun 22Liked by Ahnaf Ibn Qais

"Is this an islamic argument? Because I only listen to islamic arguments". - Barry, out of Four Lions.

The brake on popular sentiment regarding the islamisation of Europe is provided by the arguments, ideology and politics of liberal-globalism, which is in decline.

As with every other major issue there has been no public involvement in this transformation - our nations have been transitioned to global bazaars outside the democratic process.

It is specious to take the actions of a ruling elite as identical with the popular consensus, when the power of the elite resides in the exclusion of popular opinions from the political process.

This is done by media - by exclusion of popular sentiment and the constantly refining manufacture of public opinion. Censorship and propaganda produce the desired results in the electoral cycle, until the argument with reality is finally lost. See the case of Ireland, for example.

Media "lockout" of widespread popular resentment of the electoral weaponisation of migrants means fewer people realise the degree to which their own politicians have betrayed them. They are beginning to find out, as they inhabit the outcomes in real life.

Why is this argument with reality lost? Satan has extremely good adverts, but his product line is limited to a range of exorbitantly priced turds. The process is convincing, the product is crap.

I don't think the islamisation question has been permitted to be discussed since the mass migration into Europe began. It will be interesting to see what results as this and other unmentionably obvious issues are forced into the centre of politics by their elephantine domination of the room.

In short, noticing reality is extremism, and sanity is treason. At this point, many immigrants are themselves opposed to mass migration as it degrades their life chances as obviously as those who belong here - wherever here is.

Belonging, home, kinship, family, nation are not political ideas. They are realities whose essential power has been replaced with verbal substitutes. Magic words like "diversity" and "tolerance" are consolation prizes for the loss of everything of true value, including the value of life itself, under a machine which manufactures marketable counterfeits for meaning.

There is no place like home these days.

Things like home have been replaced with words, and only the "right" words - defined by "right-thinking" people - to describe the systematised wrongdoing we know as our politics and its practices.

These words are infused with a sort of religious fervour, which makes every current thing incendiary. This is why the suggestion that the sun may affect temperature enrages some people, and also why people with no knowledge of reality are so committed to fairy tales about it. See Ukraine, the alleged domination of US and UK politics by Russia - accusations made by people to whom the obvious domination of the Israel lobby remains at once invisible and disgusting to mention.

These fairy tales function to ensoul the soulless. They animate the empty consumer-liberal, who has been taught to void himself of all accumulated meaning from tradition, custom, religion. These fairy tales are the myths of the 20th century, a century of monetised myth-takes. This is the reason Putin is Hitler, and so was Saddam. This is the reason Zelensky is Churchill, and so was Boris Johnson.

People have been trained for decades to be incapable of noticing the obvious. The obvious is impossible to ignore even under these conditions. There are social, parasocial, career and legal penalties for making reality based remarks and advising practical sanity.

Islamisation is one effect of a managerialism powered by liberal propaganda with global ambitions. As the global ambitions of this system are contradicted now by hard reality, the downstream effects on domestic politics reflect this disenchantment.

The machine has not broken down - yet. It is simply that people are realising that the show must not go on if they want any life worth the name after the curtain comes down. Myths have explanatory power, until they don't. We may always be myth-guided. Contrary to the custom of the last century of sales, these myths do not always have to be lies.

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Agreed that the original push for Mass Migration (from the Muslim World & elsewhere) was something done for Managerial & related ambitions.

What I think these so called 'Elite' & leadership classes failed to realize is that Eurabia would be something that would never go along with their Anti-human & Post-human drivel, since Muslims (even the deeply sinful ones) have Ethical Red Lines.

So long as a plurality (not even a majority is needed!) have certain baseline morals & ethical norms, you will never be able to push through the Yuval Noah Harrari & Klaus Schwaub Agendas in full... that stuff will eventually Crash & Burn...

All Thanks to the Pro-human Nature of Eurabia!

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Jun 22Liked by Ahnaf Ibn Qais

Europe’s current state is the direct result of subversion and perversion by the Jews.

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Usury is the name of the Disease... precisely!

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Not just usury. LGBTQ, Feminism, Pedophilia, human trafficking, organ trafficking and so on. All financed and run by the Jews.

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Agreed. I bring up Usury since it is the 'Big One' you need to Criminally Finance everything else (as you correctly note) that comes later.

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The Jews need to be expelled completely from all the nations of the world and sent to the autonomous Jewish oblast in Siberia otherwise we will never have peace. The Jews have shown that they cannot peacefully coexist with anyone especially when they get power.

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Sir Kevin Barett from Truth Jihad Radio made the point that once they are deported to the Oblast in question & demonstrate to everyone else 'we can live with others in peace,' only then should they be allowed freedom of movement once more. I for one think that the proposal is not as harsh as many claim it to be... it is rather justified nowadays.

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I have great respect for Kevin, however I do respectfully disagree with him that the Jews should ever be allowed to leave the oblast. History has shown that allowing them back in after expulsion only brings us back to where we started. They won’t change because they can’t. They are not capable of it for the most part. The only exception are those people who were born Jewish and decided to renounce their tribe in order to rejoin humanity. For the most part cruelty, malice and the lust for power and control is ingrained in the marrow of their bones.

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RemovedJun 22
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Insults towards Muslims will not be tolerated.

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Hasbara troll probably.

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Seems like it. I had to ban him since he began to basically say stuff like ‘Muslims are x, y and z’ which are not tolerated here.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Ahnaf Ibn Qais

Interesting piece. It's unfortunate the same rules constricting degradation of Islam are not also applied to degradation of the Jewish faith. Would it were possible to separate Judaism from Zionism, which is the real scourge. Many are unaware of the fact that Lord Arthur Balfour's declaration was delivered to Baron Walter Rothschild, a fact that says a great deal. Given Sunday's events in the Russian Federation, I'm not sure the Anglo-Zionist Empire will last the week.

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The Zionists are going to try (and likely succeed) in drawing the Americans in. But if so, (as you correctly note Good Sir), that will be the end of the Anglo-Zionist Menace in short order.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Ahnaf Ibn Qais

And with good riddance! It is becoming increasingly obvious that Oct. 7 was a false flag operation. Why would a nation destroy itself? As a sacrifice to the Gods (Bankers) of globalism? The question today is not so much "will nukes be deployed," but rather "who will deploy them first?" My money is on the Zionist entity; that's the quick route to Gog-Magog -- Ya'juj and Ma'juj. The "Samson Option" was well named.

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Jun 22Liked by Ahnaf Ibn Qais

Very interesting and well written piece, especially for me, being European.

I’m familiar with the ‘great’ religions and many of Persia’s writers, as well as Ghazali. So interesting read for me.

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Thank You for the Kind Words! ❤️️

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Jun 22Liked by Ahnaf Ibn Qais

I have studied deeply the Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, and Hindu religions. I love and respect them all. But I am most attuned with the Christian and Islamic. The spirit of Jesus pervades them all as well. But it is acknowledged most clearly by Islam. The Christian teachings contain many interpolations. But the core is pure.

That's my view anyway.


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Thank You Kindly for your prescient observations!

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I do not think Islam who has been in Europe before is any good fro the people

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Islam has been in Europe since the early 8th century CE (with the Ummayad Conquests of Iberia & bits of Occitania). It has been in Europe for well over a Milllenia.

If Practised properly by Muslims, it is the most beautiful System for Mankind (Muslim & non-Muslim). That is how it has always been.

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Jun 26Liked by Ahnaf Ibn Qais

an imposition of order is desirable at this point over bickering about which flavor that order comes in. This is the boomerang I’ve been seeing coming for a while: multiculturalists think that those we import will be “wearing blue jeans and listening to rock music” in a generation but they were dead wrong because the blue jean and rock music world has long passed

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It was thrown out of Spain and Portugal by the native people and only exists in Eastern Europe through conquest. That question has not been resolved as the trouble in Serbia et al has shown. Islam is not wanted here and will eventually be expelled.

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Yet Iberia today has well over 4 million Muslims & by the end of the 2030s, we will be over 10+ million in said Peninsula... which is far greater than the time of the Caliphate of Cordoba at its zenith.

The 50+ million Muslims in Europe will become well over 200+ million by century's end. We are a part of Eurabia, just like Christianity, Paganism & others are... whether you dislike it or not, that matters little on this fact!

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

The Muslims in Europe survive on the dole and are removed from the centres of power quite deliberately. All it would take is for the welfare state to be diminished and the dole to stop and millions would leave. You exist here out of our misguided pity alone. How are you going to change that and acquire wealth and political power? How are you going to defend yourself against violent native Europeans?

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I actually agree with you that there will be Economic Emigration courtesy of Europe's Deindustrialization, the rapid consolidation of West Asia & other factors... I do see those in the future!

As for your second point... not really. The truth is that people like yourself are one perspective, whilst another one is 'Please Stay here & help us out! We really like your family centric religion!'

Inshallah, we have built the necessary foundations to accrue sufficient power & influence for Project Eurabia in the coming years.

As for 'violent native Europeans,' I am not too worried. There will be no Ethnic Cleansing of Muslims en masse since it would mean Punitive Military Action from overseas. The 'Ethnostate bros' & Nationalist types are not fighters... they only feel pleasure from beating up kids, women & the elderly. They will not risk Total War in order to 'save Europa!'

Most will accept Eurabia instead, going back to their 9-5 job & yelling at 'the Muslim takeover' from their computer screens.

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The inflection point has already been reached.

Namely, the point at which White Converts to Islam are beginning to surpass increases brought about via migration & births.

You can choose to believe that 'Muslims are alien,' but not everyone views the world in this way. Also, Once a certain threshold of White Muslim converts is reached, your implicit point that 'Islam doesn't belong in Europe' becomes Moot.

The Truth is that White Europeans are *choosing* Islam en masse, especially White European women. I for one welcome this development!

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

No they aren't. In Britain Muslims are despised as 'Other' and live in ghettoes. High-status women who marry out (rare) choose Brahmins or (very rarely) wealthy blacks. They certainly aren't adopting the headwrap.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Author

Brahmins? You do realize that Islam & Hinduism are separate religions, yes?

You may despise those 'dirty Muslims living in ghettos,' but that's one perspective. Another one held by British Whites is 'those family centric Muslims all living together under the same roof with their grandkids & grandparents'

British White Women choose Islam en masse due to said family centric nature. Many don the Hijab very rapidly once they begin practising the religion.

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I can't speak for Europe -- and quite frankly I suspect they do indeed have a future of Submission to look forward to.

But as an American, I will say: over my bullet-riddled corpse and empty rifle.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Author

Not really. We have converts from this section of society as well (i.e. the 'I will drink the Rat Poison & Die in a Hail of bullets before I become Muslim' - Crowd) :


Our Victory is Inevitable! 😉

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I'll be waiting with bells on.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Author

No you will not. 😉

It’s the same reason why *insert liberal actor here* will not be ‘leaving the country when Trump gets elected’:

People rarely do what they say. The ‘I will die in a hail of bullets first!’ - crowd are all talk, no action.

For them, talking about how ‘Islam is taking over Europe!’ is therapeutic ranting… after which they go back to their 9-5 job or some other aspect of their life.

Don’t pretend to be something you’re not 😉

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Thank you for a fascinating and unexpected argument! By coincidence, I finally got around to reading Michel Houellebecq's Submission, which depicts a gradual [peaceful] takeover of France, and ultimately all of Europe, by Islam. What was striking to me was that Houellebecq does not paint this as a dystopian catastrophe, in large part because the forces of the greatly attenuated West simply engage in a sort of resigned surrender. In the last chapter of John Carroll's The Wreck of Western Culture, added to a new edition after the 9/11 attacks, the author contrasts the moral clarity and brutal dedication exhibited by Usama Ben Laden with the weakness of the deracinated and demoralized West. Perhaps those on the Right who fear the rise of Islam should focus on how to return our civilization to its roots (both Christian and Pagan/Classical) in order to compete with the vitality of Islam.

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What is the Islamic position on robowaifus?

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Author

Here is a scholarly article on the general topic (i.e. 'inanimate objects & looking, feeling , etc, desire for them'):



"" If the Anime promotes unlawful content in Islam, then watching it would be impermissible. i.e., Using foul language, etc. The rulings about viewing members of the opposite sex are restricted to human beings. It is permissible for a man to look at a woman’s cartoon image, provided he does so without desire. According to the Shafi’i School, looking at any object with desire, even a stone, is impermissible, and Allah knows best. ""

Waifus (of all sorts) should fall under this ruling given their inanimate nature.

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While I'm half-joking I'm also half serious in regard to robots/androids which demonstrate arguable sentience. I suppose they might be seen as Djinn or something like that inhabiting a "vessel"?

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Author

Correct. They would be viewed as Djinn instead of 'sentient matter.'

In which case, their rights would follow, since Djinn, as A Creation of Allah Most High, have certain rights.

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If the robowaifu wears a Niqab when she leaves the house no one suspect a thing

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In Indonesia, Female characters are often portrayed in modest dress by their artists (who are primarily Muslim in most cases).

So this is not that 'far off.' There is a 'waifu' phenomenon in that part of the world as well, albeit the Marriage rates are still much better than most Western nations, with many of the Top Men being polygamists.

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I don't know much about Islamic theology, what would happen to someone who was openly a European nationalist & pagan esotericist before the Eurabian revolution? Would converting to Sufism be enough to save me? Would I be executed for former political opposition, pagan witchcraft and the like? I would be sad to see Europe dominated by a non European culture like it was in the middle ages but I might like it better than the current thing if this lineage or whatever law is respected.

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Pagans would get the right to their places of worship and likewise the right to practise their religion as they see fit. Some exceptions may arise (such as ‘no nudity’ and whatnot), but most pagans would get to do their thing… and per Islamic teaching there will be no compulsion to convert to our ways.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Author

Also, no insults to the Blessed Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him!) will be tolerated.

This is your One & Only Warning.

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Nope. The Christians there were allowed to keep their original faith. Ditto for the Pagans. However, we have large families & courtesy of Mass Polygamy & Concubinage, we rapidly grew in number in said places.

After a few decades, people who originally kept to 'the old ways' decided to join the winning team (via marriage & whatnot) when they realized that Islam alone can give them True Guidance & Tranquility in this life & the next.

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Removed (Banned)Jun 24
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It’s called ‘normal human behaviour.’

Irreligion meanwhile? That would be classified as a mental failing.

You have been banned for Fedora Atheist talking points.

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It appears that billions of said 'Weak Minds' are doing well for themselves by having healthy families & building large clans & families. 😉

Can't say the same for the (allegedly) 'enlightened' post-religion folks who engage in wanton Hedonism & die off with little to no family, community, etc.!

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RemovedJun 23
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Islam does not condone anything gross like 'Grooming Gangs.' Nor do we condone the destruction of places of worship, or other such related pursuits.

Be more civil in your comments, or be blocked entirely. This is your One & Only Warning.

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RemovedJun 22
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But given that our traditional Christian culture and values have already been successfully erased throughout much of northern Europe at least (with Catholic countries gradually following protestant countries in terms of declining traditions, values and native culture) I'm inclined to ask exactly what European Culture you're anxious to preserve? Pornography? The sexualisation of children? Alcoholism? Drug addiction?

Sadly our traditional cultural values have long since been trampled under the boots of jewish-led "progress".

From the very little I know of Islamic values, I get the feeling they are much more closely aligned with those European/Christian values that we'd be well served to rediscover.

(With thanks to you, Ahnaf IBN Qais, for confirming my general impression regarding Islam )

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Here is the relevant Hadith which far better answers this question (re: What of the West should be preserved?) better than I ever could:

>> حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ الْمَلِكِ بْنُ شُعَيْبِ بْنِ اللَّيْثِ، حَدَّثَنِي عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ وَهْبٍ، أَخْبَرَنِي اللَّيْثُ، بْنُ سَعْدٍ حَدَّثَنِي مُوسَى بْنُ عُلَىٍّ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، قَالَ قَالَ الْمُسْتَوْرِدُ الْقُرَشِيُّ عِنْدَ عَمْرِو بْنِ الْعَاصِ سَمِعْتُ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم يَقُولُ ‏ "‏ تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ وَالرُّومُ أَكْثَرُ النَّاسِ ‏"‏ ‏.‏ فَقَالَ لَهُ عَمْرٌو أَبْصِرْ مَا تَقُولُ ‏.‏ قَالَ أَقُولُ مَا سَمِعْتُ مِنْ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ لَئِنْ قُلْتَ ذَلِكَ إِنَّ فِيهِمْ لَخِصَالاً أَرْبَعًا إِنَّهُمْ لأَحْلَمُ النَّاسِ عِنْدَ فِتْنَةٍ وَأَسْرَعُهُمْ إِفَاقَةً بَعْدَ مُصِيبَةٍ وَأَوْشَكُهُمْ كَرَّةً بَعْدَ فَرَّةٍ وَخَيْرُهُمْ لِمِسْكِينٍ وَيَتِيمٍ وَضَعِيفٍ وَخَامِسَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ جَمِيلَةٌ وَأَمْنَعُهُمْ مِنْ ظُلْمِ الْمُلُوكِ ‏.‏

Mustaurid al-Qurashi reported: I heard Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: The Last Hour would come (when) the Romans would form a majority amongst people. ‘Amr said to him (Mustaurid Qurashi): See what you are saying? He said: I say what I heard from Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ). Thereupon he said: If you say that, it is a fact for they have four qualities. They have the patience to undergo a trial and immediately restore themselves to sanity after trouble and attack again after flight. They (have the quality) of being good to the destitute and the orphans, to the weak and, fifthly, the good quality in them is that they put resistance against the oppression of kings.

Sahih Muslim 2898a <<

Hope that Helps!

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I have no wish to argue the toss here Ron, but you did write: "The main problem with an Islamic future for Europe from the point of view of Europeans is that it is brought to Europe by mass immigration of non-European people with non-European culture.

"For Europeans it is wrong to see large numbers of Indian subcontinent, Middle Eastern and African people and their cultures in Europe. It is in fact disgusting and disturbing, and it is done in order to destroy us as a people..."

As for the racial issue, Ahnaf did cover that in his post, which is worth reading, as it should allay your fears.

Certainly mass migration is an issue, though I would argue that's for economic reasons - particularly if we manage to disentangle ourselves from the "economy-stupid", which, imo, would require access to arable land in order to provide food and other essential resources for ourselves. Amongst other important things...

I'll leave it there for now, as I'm in danger of going way off topic. 🙃 Have a great day!

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Well, I'm certain "mass child rape" is not a "cultural *norm*" of Islam, though I do agree that it is a problem and is a result of mass immigration. Specifically, of immigration of people who've grown to hate the west and it's people because of the evils inflicted on their countries of origin by "the west".

Also, you keep stating that it's not about culture, then arguing about what you imagine the cultural "norms" of the immigrants are..I think really you're arguing about race AND culture. Ahnaf has written an article that should go some way to allay your fears regarding the race issue. As for culture, you seem to agree that euro culture has been 'wrecked by woke'.

In the meantime the immigrants homelands have been wrecked by war, economic exploitation, etc.

The causes of both issues are the same: the economic/cultural "elites", who are doing all they can to destabilise the world in order to grant themselves more power and control of our lives at an individual level.

I agree with you that mass immigration is a problem, though for different reasons.

Your arguments seem to be, ultimately, emotional and reactionary, and concerned only with race and culture (both of which have been addressed). For me it's ALL about the economic stranglehold the WEF-types have on all of our counties, as they go about destroying all of our cultures and societies one way and another, and about finding ways of freeing ourselves from that stranglehold. But as long as people remain focused on the call-out rather than the cause we will remain "DOOMed".

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I linked this study above, but I will basically iterate something important:

Even with no migration to Europe (post 2010), the analysts noted that the Muslim population would still grow at 1.5% per annum. With new migration, that jumps to 2.5% per annum. In the year 2024 (based on census figures & whatnot)...

The point has already been passed & the Muslim population in Europe is well over 50+ million. Muslims are here to stay, & even with Emigration Waves in the future (which I expect due to worsening security, economic & other areas), The demographics of White Converts, Muslim children & whatnot means Eurabia is inevitable.

Eurabia (as I noted in this piece) will be a Boon to the People overall, since it will defend the Lineage rights of White Europeans (& others!) who wish for the betterment of their Race, Ethnicity & Family. So while the 'Powers that be' may have had their own so called 'plans' the response is a simple one:

“They plan, and Allah plans. Surely, Allah is the Best of planners. “

The Quran 08:30 (Surah al-Anfal)

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Except this is not happening. Any Mass Ethnic Cleansing of Muslims will be viewed as a Hostile Act & will result in Punitive Military expeditions from overseas. Meaning that Europe's Muslim population is here to stay.

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RemovedJun 22
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Yet that is not the case. Lineage is one of the 6 Inviolabilities in the Sacred law, and is protected explicitly by the Sharia.

You should interact in person with your Muslim neighbours more before making accusations which Ipso facto are off kilter. Even Sinful Muslims are well aware that the Protection of Lineage is an absolute Red Line.

(Also, Please do not resort to Insults. This is your One & Only Warning).

Europeans can thrive with Large Families & lots of White Children in Eurabia; this is not an issue for us. Their Lineage would be protected under the Sacred law, & this Article (which you should read carefully) Cites various Sources demonstrating why Muslims are duty bound to pursue this Pro-Human future.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Author

The Grooming Gang problem in EU states is more a problem of their legal laxities than it is of a specific race, religion, etc.

If such lowlives engaged in such crimes in their homelands, they would be Flogged &/or Stoned to Death. We do not tolerate such criminal behaviour. As for the 'Elite' & leadership of Europe? By deed & action, they play cover for such criminals (once again, who have nothing whatsoever to do with Practising Muslims & proper Islam).

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22Author

This is a misunderstanding.

Of the 2+ billion Muslims on the planet, 400+ million are Arab. Ours is not a religion of Racial & Ethnic Conquest.

The reason why the Maghreb, Andalus & other places have high admixtures for Arab genetics has to do with intermarriage & large clans (formed by Arabs & non-Arabs) after Muslim conquests.

We form Clan Superstructures (not 'Nuclear families') meaning that we proliferate much faster courtesy of the focus on quantity.

As for the 'invasion' comment:

Most Muslims who have come for Economic reasons will likely emigrate soon due to Rapid De-industrialization in Europe. Those who came as refugees will likewise emigrate soon due to the coming destruction of 'Israel' & the regional stability that will bring with it.

EVEN THEN, the future of Eurabia is locked in due to (1) The Multigenerational Muslim Families building Giant Clans, (2) Massive numbers of White converts coming in & (3) An overall zeal for Muslims to prosletyze more than others in the Public Square.

The so called 'Global Elite' may think that Eurabia helps their cause, but I can tell you right now... it does not. Especially when they will try to push their Transhumanist mumbo-jumbo onto the rest of the world.

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