Why The West Can't Win
The wonderful Andrei Martyanov interviews the esteemed Dr. Fadi Lama!
Urban Decay, oil painting: Neglected cityscape, dilapidated buildings, somber tones, reflective mood, portraying the decline of Western civilization.
Prolegomena: Some readers asked for 'easy to consume & digest' content whereby the sorts of ideas & things I speak about on this Stack can be better explained to 'Normies.'
At first, I thought about doing a quick book review & recommendation for the esteemed Dr. Fadi Lama's Magnum Opus' 'Why the West Can't Win.'
Upon second thought, I decided on a different approach:
Mathematics is something only some enjoy. So, not everyone ought to 'concern themselves with it.' & so a book review & recommendation would only be quite Niche, appealing to a select few of my Dear Readers!
Instead, I present to you, Dear Readers, this 2-part (likely more are on the way!) interview series where the wonderful Andrei Martyanov (i.e. 'based Russian Grandpa') interviews the esteemed Dr. Fadi Lama regarding his book, 'Why the West Can't Win!'
Much of the Mathematical minutia is simplified to better appeal to a broader audience. Additionally, most of the 'Fluff' that other thinkers are known for is absent. You get the bare-bones, basic argument presented in Video Interview format.
Namely, The Scale & scope of The Productive Sector (i.e., The 'Real Economy') in the West is far too Weak to prevail:
& Part II:Â
It's around ~70 minutes or so of audiovisual content. By the end of it, however, you will have known more about Geopolitics than over ~90% of people out there.
It is not only highly informative, but likewise very information-dense. I Highly recommend that you watch both interviews!
Enjoy Dear Readers!
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Man, AI makes collapse look very aesthetic.
Credit and finance. It is the west's source of unimaginable power in the short term, and the cause of its irreversible decay in the long term.