Environmental Catastrophe and Refugee Crisis: A desolate landscape showing the aftermath of catastrophic flooding and wildfires, October 2024. Entire neighborhoods lie underwater, with rooftops and treetops barely visible, while displaced families huddle on makeshift rafts and overcrowded refugee camps. In the distance, smoke rises from burnt-out forests, blending into the stormy gray sky. Emergency tents line the edges of submerged cities, with helicopters ferrying supplies as desperate survivors signal for help. Scattered debris, broken roads, and destroyed infrastructure depict the environmental toll, while the weary faces of refugees reflect the human cost of the worsening climate crisis. The atmosphere is one of despair and struggle, as humanity faces the harsh reality of its impact on the planet.
Prolegomena: It is finally here, Dear Readers & Listeners!
Many Apologies for dropping this DOOM Review so many weeks late, but for some peculiar reasons, ‘real life’ kept getting in the way, time & again! 😅
Regardless, here it is (at last!) & boy, was October quite the Epic DOOM-ful month! 😉
First up, Grandmaster of DOOM,
returned to the show to join Yours Truly & Sir to speak about Hurricane Helen, World War III’s sundry fronts & all the other ways the world is rapidly falling apart.Afterward, the lovely Sirs
& joined us to discuss how Hurricane Helen has taken the mask off the Global American Empire.We all concurred (at the end) that Nobody will be coming to save you… So it is best to take care of your family, friends, relatives, etc., by yourself. 😉
Next up, the lovely Sir Eddie Liger joined us to discuss the newly formed American Communist Party (ACP), its program & vision for the future, & the various ways a Communist society is better overall than our current society.
Afterward, Sir @ Samara joined us to discuss @ Liberty Magazine, the objective behind said publication & how America’s predicaments have worsened in recent years.
(NOTE: Sadly, Both the Good Sir & his publication were recently banned by
So the tagging system no longer works on him, & neither do embeds… 😔)We then capped off our 50th episode in Style (Woohoo! 🥳) with Pater (
) & the lovely Sir to talk about how the coming DOOM, gloom & despair will visit a Western city or town near you… as things go from bad to worse! 😘The next sitdown was with the eminent Sir
(Yes, Martian Wyrdlord himself!) in which Yours Truly & Sir had an interesting back-&-forth with the Good Sir on whether the future belongs to Techno-Optimism or DOOM-erism. 😉Special attention was paid in particular to how Space Travel (to Mars & elsewhere) may feasibly take place (per Sir
’s view) in a future setting.Dr.
joined us for the next sitdown, where we reviewed his Book Why The West Can’t Win (2023), which beautifully explicates for the layman why the Occident is destined to lose in the coming series of Geo-Economic contests.We focused especially on Energy, manufacturing, innovation & related fields… all of which indicate a rapid decline & fall in overall capabilities for the Moribund West, & a rapid Ascension for the East, with Russia, China & Iran playing leading roles.
Finally, Sir @ Samara & Sir
joined us for the finale sitdown for October, the first segment of which involved investigative work done by Sir Samara & friends to expose ‘Million Pity,’ a group of overseas Monkey torturers.The latter segments involved our usual speculations concerning how the Global Situation may rapidly spin out of control toward sundry DOOM-ful ends.
Once again, I am Deeply Honoured to have had the privilege of sitting down with said Good Sirs to contemplate the DOOM, gloom & despair of our times!
Below are all the Stacks & Links for the Eminent Sirs mentioned earlier, which you should check out, Dear Readers & Listeners! If you still need to do so, subscribe to them! The material they publish is of top-tier quality!
Grandmaster of DOOM, JMG:
Sir Kenaz’s Excellent Stack Duo:
Sir Uncouth’s Lovely Stack Duo:
Sir Cleveland’s Epic Stack:
Pater’s Magnificient Stack-Duo:
Martian Wyrdlord Central:
Sir Constanin’s Lovely Stack:
The Brilliant Arktos Journal:
Sir Alexander’s Amazing Stack:
Dr. Lama’s Exceptional Stack:
Yours Truly also got some writing (& dictation! 😁) work done during October!
Firstly, The Grandmaster’s DOOM-ful essay, An Elegy For The Age of Space (2011), was read aloud by Yours Truly. In it, the Grandmaster emphasizes the Earthbound Destiny of Man, who will forever be incapable of reaching the Stars.
It is a complete repudiation of the Faustian Ethos, who longs for the infinitude of the Black, Starry Sky. Equal parts melancholy & thoughtful, the Elegy is exceptional, so give it a Read (& Listen! 😉) when you can, Dear Readers & Listeners!
Secondly, the wonderful Sir
hosted me on his lovely podcast ‘Werewolf,’ where Yours Truly delved into all the ways I felt that Industrial Civilization & Society (sculpted by Faustian Man) is rapidly crumbling around us.Third & finally, Yours Truly finally finished Part 3 of my ‘Islam & The West’ series (at last! 😁) for the lovely folks at
. This one was quite the whirlwind tour:We began with the Industrial Revolution & the ascension of European Civilization & Faustian Man to the forefront of Global Affairs… & ended with how Demographic Transition, Energy Poverty, & Tech Stagnation have brought things to a climax:
Namely, toward the climax of Faustian Man’s Swansong, a veritable whimper (as opposed to a Bang) & his slow but steady retreat from being an outright Hegemon.
Attached below, per usual, are all said toils for the month, Dear Readers & Listeners!
May You all have a most displeasing, DOOM-full Read (& Listen)! 😉
October 3
October 5
October 10
October 12
October 14
October 17
October 19
October 22
October 24
October 26
October 31
… & The Monthly DOOM Review! 😉
Goodbye for Now, & Remember:
The DOOM Cometh…!
Your Support is vital for Smelting the DOOM & keeping it HOT & FRESH off the Furnace!
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Thank You, Dear Readers & Listeners, for all your Support!
People still believe in climate change??? The governments are doing this. There are videos all over the internet. They are manipulating the weather through HARP. It's called Geoengineering or cloud seedling, but people will not google it and check for themselves, they just like to call it conspiracy theories. Until they actually look at it they should shut up.
We are all being culled. And if everyone woke up we could stop them